Showing 17–24 of 24 results
This technique is suitable for outdoor purposes, the shape can be regular or irregular like the “opus incertum” stone working, which has different thicknesses.
We use the Soleto stone to create washbasins and single-bowl sinks both for indoor and outdoor purposes. They are available in many sizes and shapes and they fit every kind of furnishing requirement. We can create our products also from a project provided by the customer.
We use the Soleto stone to create washbasins and single-bowl sinks both for indoor and outdoor purposes. They are available in many sizes and shapes and they fit every kind of furnishing requirement. We can create our products also from a project provided by the customer.
The smoothing technique is used to create mainly indoor floorings and coatings, sought-after for their beauty, warm colours and excellent technical features.
A typical split-stone floor is the famous pavement called “Sampietrini” (cobblestone pavement).
antiqued floors
We use the Soleto stone to create washbasins and single-bowl sinks both for indoor and outdoor purposes. They are available in many sizes and shapes and they fit every kind of furnishing requirement. We can create our products also from a project provided by the customer.
We use the Soleto stone to produce every kind of stairs, and also the external ones. This is a sober but extremely resistant material and it is perfect for a residential use. These stairs are available in different sizes and shapes.
The particular chlorine resistance makes the Soleto stone very suitable for coating bottoms, edges and floors of swimming pools.
Showing 17–24 of 24 results